Monday, March 05, 2007

Urgent Prayer Request

Anna going for surgery

Anna is going into the operating theatre today 5th March 2007. She has been seen by a specialist over the last few days who has put her on high doses of drugs in an attempt to control a chronic infection in three sinuses in the bones of her head. This has not worked well and so he has just taken the decision to operate on her this afternoon. The surgery will take around two hours and she will be in hospital overnight.

Potential complications are rare but because of rules regarding informed consent, the surgeon had to outline them to Anna. This has upset and frightened her, even though she is well aware that the chances of these things happening are uncommon.

Please pray for:

• The peace of God that passes all understanding to guard Anna’s heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
• The surgeon, Dr Lim who is an excellent doctor and a Christian brother who has been so generous and kind in helping us at this time.
• The children who will come home from school to find that Mum is in hospital.
• For a good outcome to the surgery and rapid healing for Anna.
• For the March Orientation Course starting this week – for Anna not to feel burdened about this.
• For Joshua writing his five hour school placement test tomorrow.

With our love

Steve, Anna, Joshua & Aimée Griffiths

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