Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Interceding Otorhinolaryngologist..eh?

Anna’s surgery last night took around three hours. The surgeon reported finding large collections of infected tissue, especially in the left maxillary sinus and ethmoid bone (for you medics out there). On reviewing Anna today, Dr Lim prayed with us and thanked God for helping him during this long surgical procedure in an area of the body where you don’t usually want any surgery! He was pleased with the way things went overall.

Anna had a somewhat stormy post-operative period with repeated vomiting and some bleeding. She also had considerable pain which necessitated calling the surgeon at one point. However some treatment resolved the situation. This made for an uncomfortable night but Anna was still able to come home today. She is now fast asleep having taken her vast collection of medications. She will be seeing the surgeon daily for a while – fortunately we are very close to the hospital. She will need ongoing treatment and weekly review for at least six weeks. Dr Lim told us today that we are 60% of our way through the intervention necessary to resolve Anna’s condition. There is still 40% to go in terms of good post-operative care.

Anna has been given two weeks off work. She is protesting (somewhat feebly) about this but really needs to get some rest as she has been unwell now for more than two months.

Joshua also had his marathon placement test today for the Anglo-Chinese School – two two hour papers with an obligatory break between them. He finished both in around an hour and talked the invigilator into shortening the break so instead of five hours he was home in two and a half! In a few days we will know if he was so quick because he knew it all or because he really didn’t understand the questions!

Thank you for your emails of love and support, assuring us of your prayers. We are so very grateful.

With our love

Steve, Anna, Josh and Aimée

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