Where is all this rage coming from? Many know John 3:16. James 3:16 is less-known but also worth memorizing. “For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.” The source of all human conflict is the frustrated pride and ambition of the human heart, often disguised as false wisdom. Recognizing and responding to selfish ambition takes true wisdom which James describes as moral innocence (not moral naïvety), gentleness, openness to reason, impartiality and a love of peace. The work of Christians is often a work of confrontation – challenging our own selfish ambition as well as that of others.
Demolition work in the old office and dining room is in full swing – 30 skip-loads of rubble have been removed from the site so far, about 60% of the total. Sledgehammers and pneumatic drills can be heard all day every day on every part of the site. In the midst of this controlled chaos, we are well into the first Orientation Course of the year with 28 adults and 7 children who are staying in the nearby YMCA, being bussed up to IHQ for prayers each day and then back again for lectures. Lilian is eight, from a farm in Australia and has 4 energetic brothers. She was chatting with Anna who asked this sweet-faced, young girl how she coped with her brothers. “Ah, no worries,” came the answer, “when they give me trouble I just kick their butts!”
Joshua is preparing for his IGCSE Mandarin oral exam in March. He will have to give a speech, hold a conversation and take part in a role play. Sin Ee, a friend from church is giving him some extra practice. Last Saturday, Josh was working with two friends on a project and as he was leaving to go to youth group at church, he plucked up the courage and asked them both to go with him. To his delight, Reggie agreed to go – Josh texted his Dad afterwards, “it was awesome!”.
Aimée seems to have coped well with the transition to the Anglo-Chinese School. Her maths is holding up well despite her pre-transfer fears (Singaporean school maths is about two years ahead of the rest of the world and was a special area of concern). She has joined the girl’s touch rugby squad and came home ecstatic and filthy after a practice in the pouring rain saying, “It was SO MUCH FUN!”
We are looking for a new Co-ordinator for Third Culture Kid Care and Education in OMF. A couple is seriously considering the role – please pray that they know whether this is the next step the Lord has for them or not. We also need dozens of teachers to help support parents in challenging circumstances across East Asia. So acute is this shortage that we are working with other mission agencies in communicating the need – including advertising in the Times Educational Supplement. The International Personnel System is becoming increasingly established but there is still hard work going on to get the electronic candidate process (“e-Recruiting”) module finished – pray for the team working hard to get this to completion.
Much love
Steve, Anna, Joshua & Aimée
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