“I don’t believe in God”, said YY, “that’s how I was taught in China. Science has all the answers. But I’ve begun to think again because of the change in my wife ZY.” ZY, a post-grad research scientist, came to Singapore a year ahead of neurologist husband YY. Through the outreach of a church here ZY came to faith. When asked what difference becoming a Christian had made to his wife, YY said, “She was always an anxious person, negative about the future. But since she became a Christian, she is filled with hope. In fact she’s often….” (scratching his head and reaching for a good word in English) “…euphoric!” Curious to see what changed his wife, YY is now studying the Bible (Genesis, at his request) every week with us and ZY, around a table at the foot of a tower block, in the warm evenings. “What do Christians think about the origins of the universe? How old is it? If creation is good why are there so many natural disasters?” Please pray for him to come to faith.Steve beat a path to Dr Chan’s door once again for his first major heart review since April 2006. An ECG was done and a detailed scan. Dr Chan eventually said, “Steve, I’m glad to tell you your heart is back to normal.” No more leaky valves. No more poorly moving walls. No more enlarged bits. What an electric shock of delight it was! Another less serious exam result was also forthcoming recently as Steve and Josh’s clarinet grade results arrived. Both the boys passed well (although Dad did a little better than Josh to his secret relief!) We need to take a decision with Josh about what International GCSE subjects he will start in January – where did our little boy go?! Josh wants to take on double maths and triple science but the school have to agree that he is capable of handling it. Please pray that the right subjects are chosen.
Love from us all
Steve Anna Josh and Aimee